Tuesday, August 16, 2011

What on earth do we do all day?!

I like to tell my friends at school and home that I pretty much have the best job ever. I mean, I get to work in an office with two hysterical bosses (plus all the fun and wonderful people who are in and out every day), drink all the coffee I want, and hear incredible music. What's not to love, right? 

However. Sometimes, the whole "selling tickets and doing office work" bit -- well, it gets a bit old. 

So, we have to find ways to entertain ourselves! To break up the time when I spend an hour and a half folding paper inserts and stuffing them into envelopes (not that that isn't thrilling. Gee, how I love keeping the postal service in business!). This subject came up tonight before the concert, and we (Sharon, Laura and myself) came up with our list of favorite activities to do in the office (in no particular order). Here we go!!

  • Drink iced mochas. This is particularly important during the very hot and humid days we've been having, where we are caught in a catch-22 of needing coffee, but it also being very hot. We have even resorted to making our own iced coffees when we are really busy, by chilling mugs of coffee in our tiny fridge and using ice acquired from our neighbors at the Village Green. 
  • Throwing things! This can be very dangerous, or just slightly irritating, depending on the object/piece of candy.
  • On that same line: keeping away from sharp objects! Since we all get a little stressed and jumpy during the concert weeks, using safety scissors  is really just the best option for all of us. So, if your letters arrive with fun designs cut in them, or just appear to have been hand ripped: you know why!
  • Enjoying the occasional Youtube gem.
  • Eating oreos. Particularly mini ones. (Background: Sharon walked into the office the other day and announces: "I brought you guys coffee creamer and Oreos. Because I thought, you can't have coffee without Oreos.") 
  • Organizing supplies in the back of the office and coming up with creative labels. For instance, a few weeks ago we sorted out holiday decorations into two boxes which I then labeled "Christmas" and "Not Christmas"
  • Having adventures in the woods! Also known as: sending Alisa to the Coke machine at the Village Green (there is a small path connecting us through some trees that is kind of like the Room of Requirement, and it's sometimes tricky to get into!) 
  • Listening to Pandora (my favorite station is the Film Scores one -- what's yours?)
  • Every day is a great day for arts 'n' crafts! Break up the time by turning an every day project into something fun and creative! (Preferably with glitter)
  • Use Laura's Android App to tell us what song is playing on WPR 
  • Fire or give raises to each other as needed
  • Share fun life stories (we all know everyone's pets by name, and could probably give you a brief life story/extended family medical history)
  • Play 52 million pick-up with the tickets you've just spilled on the floor...
  • Plan out fun t-shirts and calendars featuring various soloists/members of the orchestras (Because who wouldn't love 12 months of Victor?!) 
  • Play Tetris with the items in the tote for the traveling box office (I hold the high score, thank you very much!)
  • Delight in the random street names that patrons live on. (Hey, my street is named "June Ave" ANYTHING is more exciting than that!)
  • Make detailed plans for this weekend's "Girl's Night"! (Having your boss's four-year-old pick out your nail polish is a must!)
  • Plan fantastic "alternative" careers (Get ready for Alisa and Laura's hit book, and KT's traveling ice cream/cookie delivery service!) 
Sooo...now you're probably looking at this thinking "Well, when the heck do you sell me my tickets?!?!" But, of course, we must bear in mind that these adventures do not happen every day. In fact, it would get boring if they did. We would then need to come up with new activities to break up THAT monotony! And then we'd never get any work done at all!

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